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Cascade Profiler’s Switch Integration feature uses SNMP and adds the capability for Cascade to report on which of the followinG. (Select 2)
A. User name
B. Host IP address
C. Host MAC address
D. The physical switch port a specific host is connected to
E. Switch port traffic levels
F. Switch port status
G. SNMP traps from the switch
500-005 exam 
Correct Answer: CD

What are the two types of dashboards available within the Cascade Profiler GUI? (select 2)
A. Top Hosts
B. Top Applications
C. Public
D. Private
E. Devices and Interfaces Utilization
Correct Answer: CD

If unable to connect to the Cascade Shark Appliance from the Cascade Pilot console it could be becausE. (Select 2)
A. The correct communication port(s) are NOT open on the firewall between Cascade Pilot and Cascade Shark.
B. The Cascade Shark is placed in “passthru” mode so Cascade Pilot access is not available
C. The Cascade Shark appliance has no capture jobs configured.
D. You may be running Cascade Pilot-Personal-Edition (PE). You need the full version of Cascade Pilot to connect to Cascade Shark.
E. Trend/Index data is disabled on the Cascade Shark Appliance.
500-005 dumps 
Correct Answer: AD

What is a good way to know whether all internal IP addresses seen by the Cascade Profiler have been grouped in a particular group type?
A. Run Automatic grouping for all group types.
B. Configure an Undefined group type with definition; confirm there are no entries when you ‘view members’ of this ‘Undefined’ group’.
C. There is no way to do this and successfully capture all the IP addresses.
D. Configure an Undefined group type with definition
E. Run a report by hosts and look for undefined groups.
Correct Answer: B

How do Cascade Performance Analytics assist with Performance Monitoring?
A. By setting intelligent static thresholds for Application metrics and Interface metrics, tolerance can be determined. Cascade will use these thresholds and tolerances to report on deviations indicative of performance problems.
B. The Customer only needs to identify their critical hosts, interfaces and/or applications, and Cascade will automatically baseline their behavior and report on deviations indicative of performance problems.
C. The Performance Analytics use knowledge of hosts, interfaces, and/or applications are able to detect security threats such as host scans and worms.
D. After baselining is completed, Cascade can re-route congested traffic to avoid congested application delivery paths.
500-005 pdf 
Correct Answer: B

When editing a previously configured service policy, what options become available if you click the ‘show advanced settings’ checkbox? (Select 3)
A. Allows enabling/disabling the detection of dips in the metric.
B. Allows tuning of the tolerance range of the metric.
C. Allows setting of a noise floor for the metric.
D. Allows adjusting the notifications for the metric.
E. Allows enabling/disabling the detection of spikes in the metric.
500-005 vce 
Correct Answer: ACE

Which of the following configuration changes can be used to reduce the number of alerts generated overall for a Service?
A. Edit each Service policy to increase the Tolerance slider for Low and High alerts.
B. Edit each Service policy and set a noise floor to specify the minimum amount of change that the policy can treat as deviation from normal behavior.
C. Edit the Service and select fewer metrics to monitor for each segment that comprises the Service.
D. Modify the location host group type used for monitoring end user traffic to use fewer groups (for example, Region instead of Site).
E. A, B, C, and D.
F. A and B only.
500-005 exam 
Correct Answer: E

If a report table on Cascade Profiler includes the “Server Delay” column but shows no value for “Server Delay” in some cells, what are the possible causes? (Select 3)
A. The time span of the report does not cover any connection set-up points
B. Server delay is zero.

C. The protocol used by the application in not TCP-based.
D. Application traffic was not seen by a Cascade Sensor.
E. The server plug-in is needed to measure “Server Delay” and not functioning correctly.
Correct Answer: ACD

Within the Cascade Pilot GUI, filtered items are often indicated:
A. With red text.
B. With yellow text.
C. With a funnel icon.
D. With a hash-mark icon.
500-005 dumps 
Correct Answer: C

Which of the following metrics are monitored in an Application Performance Policy? (Select 4)
A. Increase in Server Delay
B. Decrease in Average Connection Application-level Throughput
C. Increases in the number of TCP retransmissions
D. Decreases in the number of new connections to the application servers
E. Increase in the number of Active Connections
Correct Answer: BCDE

What are the two (at a minimum) devices you need to configure in Cascade Profiler for Switch Port Discovery integration to work for a portion of the network?
A. At least one NetFlow sources (router, switch, or steelhead).
B. At least one lookup router and at least one access tier switch.
C. A Vulnerability Scanner and a Netflow source (router, switch, or steelhead).
D. A Vulnerability Scanner and an External Link.
500-005 pdf 
Correct Answer: B

Which fields are generally available for export using NetFlow technology?
A. IP Addresses, Port Numbers, Protocol, TCP Flags, DSCP Marking, number of bits, number of packets, retransmitted bits
B. IP Addresses, Port Numbers, Protocol, TCP Flags, DSCP Marking, number of bits, number of packets, inbound/outbound interface ID
C. IP Addresses, MAC Addresses, Port Numbers, Protocol, DSCP Marking, number of bits, number of packets
D. IP Addresses, Port Numbers, Protocol, Round Trip Time, DSCP Marking, number of bits, number of packets
E. IP Addresses, Port Numbers, Protocol, Packet Latency, DSCP Marking, number of bits, number of packets
Correct Answer: B

In Cascade Profiler, what is the minimum amount of historical flow data required for an Application Performance analytic to initialize?
A. Three weeks
B. Three days
C. One day
D. Configurable from one minute to three weeks
500-005 vce 
Correct Answer: B

In this scenario, you have created a host group called My_Computers on Cascade Profiler. In that group you have included the subnet You have 10 devices in that group The rest of the addresses are unused. While running reports on this segment of the network you notice that when a report is run using the entire subnet you see traffic destined for When you run the same report specifying the host group the traffic does not appear. Why is this happening?
A. is not in the subnet
B. has been input as a trusted host in a security policy
C. Traffic to was not picked up by a Sensor
D. Traffic to was not picked up by a Gateway
E. never sent any traffic
Correct Answer: E

In the Cascade Profiler GUI, what is a Port Group?
A. A combination of IP Address and Port Number
B. One or more protocol/port combinations mapped to a name
C. Names mapped to IP subnets
D. Layer-2 switch ports grouped into a logical name
E. NetFlow interfaces grouped into a logical name
500-005 exam 
Correct Answer: B

In order to analyze data captured by a Cascade Shark appliancE. (Select 3)
A. You can connect directly to the Cascade Shark with Cascade Pilot to begin analysis.
B. You can connect directly to the Cascade Shark with Cascade Gateway to begin analysis.
C. You can start analysis on the Cascade Profiler based upon flow data that has been sent from Cascade Shark to Cascade Profiler.
D. You can export data from a capture job directly to a packet capture (pcap) file and open in any tool that accepts pcap format.
E. You can start by loading views of the data from the Cascade Shark Appliance Web GUI before export to Wireshark.
Correct Answer: ACD

How do I run a report on Cascade Profiler to show all hosts that have talked to server “” on TCP port 25?
A. Under the traffic reports Advanced Tab, place “” in the Host field select “Acting as Server” in the drop down, enter “tcp/25” in the Protocol field and select “Hosts” in the “report-by” pull down.
B. Under the traffic reports Advanced Tab, place “” in the Host field select “Acting as Server” in the drop down, enter “tcp/25” in the Protocol field and select “Peers Hosts” in the “report- by” pull down.

C. Under the traffic reports Advanced Tab, place “” in the Host field select “Acting as Client and Server” in the drop down, enter “tcp-25” in the Protocol field and select “Hosts” in the “report-by” pull down.
D. Under the “Quick Reports” pull down from the dashboard page, select “Host” enter the IP Address and hit return.
500-005 dumps 
Correct Answer: B

Which of the following are TRUE concerning packet capture jobs on the Cascade Shark appliancE. (Select 4)
A. Packets can be captured from multiple capture ports on one Cascade Shark appliance.
B. The maximum length the packet data can be specified.
C. Packets can be filtered on host IP addresses.
D. SSL traffic can be decoded if the appropriate certificate are loaded in the Cascade Shark appliance.
E. The maximum storage bandwidth for the job can be specified in bits/sec.
F. Multiple packet capture jobs can run concurrently.
Correct Answer: ABCF

An interactive view within Cascade Pilot:
A. Can be created from a single applied View.
B. Can work on local trace files only.
C. Can include more than two charts.
D. Is not available in the regular Cascade Pilot installation.
500-005 pdf 
Correct Answer: C

What does Cascade use as the flow key to identify a unique flow?
A. sourceIP, destIP, protocol, sourcePort, destPort, QoS
B. sourceIP, destIP, protocol, destPort
C. sourceIP, destIP, protocol, sourcePort, destPort
D. destIP, protocol, destPort
E. sourceIP, destIP, protocol
Correct Answer: C

Trace clips in Cascade Pilot allow you to:
A. Save a time window to a trace file for post-capture analysis.
B. Save a time window and apply Views to analyze a portion of a Capture Job.
C. Analyze an indexed capture job with Views that support indexing.
D. Clip a trace file to your desktop.
500-005 vce 
Correct Answer: B

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