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A report designer creates a Crystal Report on their desktop computer that uses ODBC Oracle Wire protocol driver to connect to the corporate data in Oracle. You publish the report to BusinessObjects Enterprise using the Central Management Console. When the report is run on demand, the instance works perfectly. When the report is scheduled, the instance fails. What is the cause?
A. There is no DSN on the Crystal Reports Page Server to match the DSN in the report.
B. The Crystal Reports Page Server does not have the Oracle client software installed.
C. The Crystal Reports Job Server does not have the Oracle client software installed.
D. There is no DSN on the Crystal Reports Job Server to match the DSN in the report.
400-351 exam Answer: D

You design a Crystal Report on our own computer. The report connects to a SQuestionL database requiring NT security. You wish to publish the report to your BusinessObjects Enterprise environment to enable users to view it on demand. Which is a requirement for viewing the report on demand?
A. The Crystal Reports Cache Server must have a user DSN matching the DSN created on the report designer’s machine.
B. The Crystal Reports Page Server must have a user DSN matching the DSN created on the report designer’s machine.
C. The Crystal Reports Page Server must be started with a valid NT account.
D. The Crystal Reports Cache Server must be started with a valid NT account.
Answer: C

Which BusinessObjects Enterprise component enables a user to send a report object or successful instance to an alternate destination?
A. Web Intelligence Server
B. Report Job Server

C. Output File Repository Server
D. Destination Job Server
400-351 dumps Answer: D

You configure your BusinessObjects Enterprise system to use NT Authentication with out Single Sing-on(SSO). When a user attempts to login to the Central Management Console or to InfoView, they receive the following error: “NT Authentication could not log you on. Please make sure your login information is correct.” Which two statements describe a possible cause for the error? (Choose two.)
A. Apache Tomcat is required to support NT Authentication.
B. The user is not a member of the default domain and had not specified their domain.
C. The user entered their Enterprise user name instead of their NT user name.
D. The user is using Netscape which does not support NT Authentication.
Answer: B, C

When viewing a Crystal Report using the DHTML viewer, what is the original format of the viewable files?
400-351 pdf Answer: D

Which attribute will you affect by changing the Universe Cache Size of the Web Intelligence Report Server?
A. The physical disk space allocated to the Universe cache files
B. The number of Universes cached
C. The physical disk space allocated to Report Objects that use connections to Universes
D. The number of Report Objects cached when connected to Universes

Answer: B

You have a Crystal Report that returns a record set exceeding the “Database Records to Read When Previewing or Refreshing a Report” setting. Which result should you expect when you view the report on demand?
A. An error message will be shown.
B. The report will return partial results.
C. The administrator will be notified by email.
D. The user will be prompted to edit the report or view partial results.
400-351 vce Answer: A

Which attribute will you affect by changing the List Values (LOV) Batch Size of the Web Intelligence Report Server?
A. Limit of entries retrieved when reading the List of Values (LOV)
B. Maximum size of the List of Values (LOV) batch
C. Maximum number of records returned when reading the List of Values (LOV)
D. Limit of entries in the List of Values (LOV) batch
Answer: C

What are two requirements when clustering Central Management Server (CMS) machines in the BusinessObjects Enterprise environment? (Choose two.)
A. The database is installed in the identical folder structure on each machine.
B. All CMS machines connect to the system database in the same manner.
C. All CMS machines must be in the same time zone.
D. Start the first CMS, wait 5 minutes, and start the second CMS to register with the first CMS.
400-351 exam Answer: B, C

Which configuration change should you make if the Desktop Intelligence Cache Server handles large or complex reports?
A. Increase the cache size
B. Enable Cache-By-Name access
C. Increase the maximum jobs allowed
D. Increase the number of maximum simultaneous threads
Answer: A

Which attribute does the “Maximum Jobs Allowed” setting control on the Web Intelligence Job Server?
A. Concurrent child processes
B. Concurrent threads
C. Number of objects a user can schedule
D. Number of database connections held in the Web Intelligence Job Server’s pool
400-351 dumps Answer: A

Which Web Intelligence Report Server parameter enables or disables List of Values (LOV) caching per user session?
A. List of Values Caching
B. Enable Viewing Caching
C. Enable Cache-By-Name Access
D. Share Report Data Between Clients
Answer: A

Which BusinessObjects Enterprise server writes collected auditing data directly to the Auditing Database?
A. Central Management Server

B. Web Application Server
C. Connection Server
D. Auditing Server
400-351 pdf Answer: A

When does the Central Management Server (CMS) call the Web Intelligence Job Server?
A. When a user schedules a .wid to run every Saturday starting next week
B. When a Web Intelligence report’s schedule time is reached.
C. When a successful instance of a Web Intelligence report is viewed.
D. When a Web Intelligence report is viewed on demand.
Answer: B

Which two options are properties of the List of Values (LOV) Server? (Choose two.)
A. Maximum Jobs Allowed
B. Minutes before an Idle Connection is Closed
C. Temp Directory
D. Maximum Simultaneous Processing Threads
400-351 vce Answer: A, C

Which two tasks does the Crystal Reports Cache Server perform? (Choose two.)
A. Stores .EPF files
B. Generates .ETF files
C. Stores .ETF files
D. Generates .EPF files
Answer: A, C

Which event does the Event Server monitor?
A. File Events
B. Schedule Events
C. Calendar Events
D. Custom Events
400-351 exam Answer: A

The database server for your BusinessObjects Enterprise auditing database supports variable page sizes. What page size should you use for the auditing database?
A. 2K
B. 4K
C. 8K
D. 16K
Answer: C

What are three advantages of using server groups in you BusinessObjects Enterprise system?(Choose three.)
A. Eases management of BusinessObjects Enterprise servers
B. All servers in the group can be disabled by disabling the group
C. Can direct report processing to a specific set of servers
D. Enables you to group your servers together by region or by type
400-351 dumps Answer: A, C, D

You want to adjust processor scheduling on your Windows server to optimize it for BusinessObjects Enterprise. Which performance parameter should you optimize?
A. Background services
B. Programs
C. Fair queuing

D. Start-time fair queuing
Answer: A

When a user views a Crystal Report on demand using the DHTML viewer, which BusinessObjects Enterprise server has a role in generating the output to the user’s web client?
A. Central Management Server
B. Crystal Reports Cache Server
C. Crystal Reports Job Server
D. Web Application Server
400-351 pdf Answer: D

A user with sufficient rights views a Crystal Report on demand using the Advanced DHTML viewer. Which server will interact with the Web Application Server (WAS) to complete this view on demand request?
A. List of Values (LOV) Job Server
B. Crystal Reports Job Server
C. Central Management Server
D. Report Application Server
Answer: D

A BusinessObjects Enterprise user is viewing a report on demand and recives the following error: “A processing limit was reached.” Which Report Application Server (RAS) setting in the Central Management Console do you modify to prevent this error?
A. Increase the Number of records per batch property
B. Decrease the Oldest on-demand data given to a client property
C. Decrease the Number of records to browse property
D. Increase the Number of database records to read property

400-351 vce Answer: D

You use the Import Wizard to migrate an object from your test system to your production system, but you choose to not migrate the user who owns the object. Which two statements are true after you complete this migration scenario? (Choose two.)
A. The object failed to migrate.
B. The object migrated successfully.
C. The Administrator of the production system is the owner of the migrated object.
D. Any security for the object is migrated.
Answer: B, C

Which parameter can be configured for the Event Server?
A. Event Type
B. Refresh Interval
C. File Polling Interval
D. Location of Temp Files
400-351 exam Answer: C

Which action must you perform before you can migrate the Central Management Server (CMS) database to a new data source?
A. Start Central Configuration Manager (CCM)
B. Start the Central Management Server (CMS)
C. Stop the Central Management Server (CMS)
D. Stop the Central Configuration Manager (CCM)
Answer: C

Which three objects does the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository store? (Choose three)

A. Text objects
B. Commands
C. Bitmaps
D. Parameters
400-351 dumps Answer: A, B, C

From which two sources does the Maximum Simultaneous Connections setting limit connection to the Web Intelligence Report Server? (Choose two.)
A. Connection Server
B. Web Intelligence Job Server
C. Web Intelligence SDK
D. All of the above
Answer: B, C

Which two actions does the Central Management Server (CMS) take when it receives a schedule request for a Crystal Report? (Choose two.)
A. Passes the job to a Job Server
B. Adds a new instance record to the system database
C. Creates an entry in the Report Event log
D. Writes the schedule information to SchedRpt.tmp
400-351 pdf Answer: A, B

Which guideline should you follow when you set the Maximum Simultaneous Processing Threads for the Crystal Report Cache Server?
A. The maximum simultaneous processing threads for all Crystal Reports Cache Servers should be greater than the number of preloaded report jobs for all Crystal Reports Page Servers in the system.

B. The maximum simultaneous processing threads for all Crystal Reports Cache Servers should equal the maximum simultaneous report jobs for all Crystal Reports Page Servers in the system.
C. The Crystal Reports Cache Server should be set to use dynamic memory or the memory should be allocated using the formula: Free Memory/(Avg Report Size * Simultaneous Processing Threads).
D. The maximum simultaneous processing threads for all Crystal Reports Cache Servers must be sufficient to handle all viewing requests and any scheduled reports being processed.
Answer: B

Which parameter for the Report Application Server (RAS) specifies the number of distinct records that are returned from the database when browsing through a particular field’s data?
A. Batch Size
B. Fetch Array Size
C. Browse Data Size
D. List of Values (LOV) Batch Size
400-351 vce Answer: C

Where does the Destination Job Server retrieve the report file when it sends an instance to SMTP server?
A. Outgoing Mail Server
B. Crystal Reports Cache Server
C. Output File Repository Server
D. Input File Repository Server
Answer: C

400-351 dumps

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