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Cisco 700-751 Exam Practice Test Questions 1-13
Which statement is true regarding Next Generation Firewall?
A. Providing the fastest threat detection in the industry
B. Blocking malicious destinations before a connection is ever established
C. Facilitating critical protection from constant, dynamic, and rapidly evolving web threats
D. Integrating deep visibility, preeminent intelligence and superior protection
Correct Answer: C
How is an Organization defined within the context of the Meraki Dashboard?
A. It serves as the boundary of the account\\’s administrative domain, including license, inventory, and user
B. It is defined by the user\\’s network construct and categorized as either small-medium enterprise (SME), campus, or a
distributed enterprise.
C. It contains Cisco Meraki devices, their configurations, statistics, and any client-device information.
D. It consists of multiple service provider resources, including support ticket management and API sandboxes.
Correct Answer: C
How does Catalyst Access Switching provide two improved workforce experiences? (Choose two.)
A. Flexible workspace
B. Manual configuration of end devices
C. Core data center deployments
D. Internet of things, such as flexible workspace (open office, branch office, conference and classrooms)
E. Controller-based management
Correct Answer: CD
Which are two characteristics of Cisco Umbrella? (Choose two.)
A. Improve Application Performance
B. Delivered from the cloud
C. Subscription-based model
D. Provides protection when on the VPN
E. Simple manual installation of hardware
Correct Answer: BE
Which are two features of the Cisco 1100 or 4000 series ISR router product lines? (Choose two.)
A. Unified communications with series build apps for Cisco TDM
B. Advanced LTE backup connectivity offering network resiliency for business continuity
C. Cloud-based hardware management
D. Limited connectivity options
E. 50 to 200 Mbps WAN connections with rich branch services – the same services found at HQ
Correct Answer: BE
Which is a key solution for a Cisco small to medium-sized business router to enable the transport industry?
A. Network based backup solution for mission critical application
B. Integrated secure Wi-Fi to support guest devices
C. Small form factor makes it easy to install and service
D. Provide first line of defense against threats
Correct Answer: D
Which is the range of users is supported by the Business Edition 4000 (BE4000)?
A. 100-120
B. 10-120
C. 1000-1200
D. 10-200
Correct Answer: D
Which two statements describe how Cisco can achieve Threat Centric Defense? (Choose two.)
A. Cisco applications constantly scan the environment and analyze outputs to gain a more comprehensive view of
potential threats
B. Limit secure access to growing set of Cloud applications
C. Cisco delivers a common platform across network, infrastructure, appliances and the cloud
D. Cisco network analytics provides visibility and real-time awareness across the entire network by leveraging anomaly
detection and network telemetry
E. Cisco offers the industry\\’s broadest set of enforcement and remediation options for usage control to accelerate
deployment and unify management
Correct Answer: DE
Which two statements best highlight Cisco\\’s commitment to partners and customers? (Choose two.)
A. Cisco leads in the invention and development of the industry\\’s most advanced machine learning platform.
B. Cisco\\’s investment in RandD to maintain first-to-market approach for innovative technologies and solutions.
C. Cisco shapes the future of the Internet by creating opportunity for investors and ecosystem partners.
D. Cisco has the most comprehensive portfolio in the networking industry to help connect, collaborate, compute, and
protect your customer\\’s business.
E. Cisco works closely with leading research institutions and lets them takes the lead in the development of enterprise
security solutions.
Correct Answer: BD
What does Cisco\\’s Enterprise class SMB switch web UI provide?
A. Interactive dashboard for key metrics at-a-glance
B. Secure and Consistent onboarding experience
C. Provision, Install and Monitor via APIC-EM Zero-touch Plug and Play
D. Cisco Prime Infrastructure manageability
Correct Answer: C
Which two functions are provided by Scale out / compute intensive applications C4200 and C125 M5? (Choose two.)
A. Distributed databases
B. Microprocessor design
C. Cloud computing
D. AI/ML with dense GPUs
E. Low-frequency trading transactions
Correct Answer: AB
Which two are key benefits of 3504 controllers? (Choose two.)
A. Supports 150 APs and 3000 clients
B. Supports 1Gbps throughput
C. Available in various form factors
D. Supports HA with SSO capability
E. Supports modular power supply
Correct Answer: AC
Which two statements proves that Cisco USC C125 M5 rack server node provides more performance? (Choose two.)
A. 188% more cores per rack than our most dense rack servers
B. 20% more cores per rack than our most dense rack servers
C. 20% more storage per rack than our most dense rack servers
D. 50% more servers per rack than our most dense rack servers
E. 128% more cores per rack than our most dense rack servers
Correct Answer: BE
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- Cisco 700-751 Exam Video Study
- Cisco 700-751 Exam Practice Test
- Cisco 700-751 Pdf Dumps Free Download From Google Drive
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