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Welcome to Pass4itsure Blog: Free Salesforce ADM-201 Dumps(1-27)
You cannot delete a standard report.
A. True
B. False
ADM-201 exam Correct Answer: A

If the company locale is set to US English, all users will have a default locale of US English and this cannot be
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B

What other permissions does the andquot;Manage Analytic Snapshotsandquot; permission require (Select all that apply).
A. Schedule Dashboards
B. Run Reports
C. Manage All Data
D. View Setup and Configuration
ADM-201 dumps Correct Answer: ABD

When you delete a product, the opportunity associated with that product will be suspended until further action is taken.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B

Specifying a andquot;running userandquot; in dashboard means:
A. Any user above running user can edit and delete the dashboard
B. Any user below running user can view only their own records
C. Any user can view all records that the running user role can view
D. Only the running user can view the dashboard
ADM-201 pdf Correct Answer: C

Chatter External license allow users outside the company to join public Chatter groups.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B

How many profiles can load in a single list view with Enhanced Profile Management enabled?
A. 300
B. 500
C. 200
D. 1.000
ADM-201 vce Correct Answer: C

Manual sharing allows administrators to grant one-off access to individual records, users cannot grant this access even if they own the record.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B

Define the Read Only Profile.
ADM-201 exam Correct Answer: Can only view records

What is not true about sharing Rules?
A. Sharing rules open up access whereas org wide defaults restrict access
B. When u delete a sharing rule, the sharing access created by that rule is automatically removed
C. U can edit the access levels for any sharing rule. You can change the specified groups / roles for the rule
D. Sharing rules apply to all new and existing records owned by the specified role / group members
E. When u modify which users are in a group rule, the sharing rules are re-evaluated to add/remove access as necessary.
Correct Answer: C

Which of the following components lets customers find solutions to their cases on their own?
A. Call center
B. Email
C. Chat
D. Customer Portal
ADM-201  dumps Correct Answer: D

Documents count toward Data Storage.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B

Existing records that meet the Workflow Rule criteria trigger the Rule.
A. True
B. False
ADM-201 pdf Correct Answer: B

When setting up an user, the first name of the user is not required.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A

When using advanced currency management, can a past exchange rate be changes?
A. Yes
B. No
ADM-201 vce Correct Answer: A

What data can you request for in the weekly data export?
A. Only account data
B. Only report data
C. Accounts, opportunities, contacts, cases and solutions
D. All organization data
Correct Answer: D

Users with which Permission can install or uninstall AppExchange packages from the AppExchange
A. Download AppExchange Packages
B. View AppExchange Packages
C. List AppExchange Packages
D. Visit AppExchange Packages
ADM-201  exam Correct Answer: A

What is the maximum number of records to be printed in the Printable View of a list view?
A. 2.000
B. 100
C. 1.000
D. 200
Correct Answer: C

A custom lookup field can be added to create a relationship between a standard object and which of the following objects?
A. Users and Custom Objects
B. Leads, Accounts, Contacts and Custom Objects
C. Users, Custom Objects and Campaigns
D. Custom Objects, Contract and Campaigns
ADM-201 dumps Correct Answer: A

What does the default locale impact?
Correct Answer: The format of date and number fields.

If you are added to a Sales Team with read/write access you then have the ability to extend sharing on the opportunity to other users.
A. True
B. False
ADM-201 pdf Correct Answer: B

What is true about a Role?
A. Controls the level of visibility that users have to an org. data
B. Role is required while creating Record types
C. A user must be associated to one role
D. A user may be associated to one role
Correct Answer: AD

A solution can only belong to one category.
A. True
B. False
ADM-201 vce Correct Answer: B

What does a Profile Control?
A. Access to Application
B. Record Type Access
C. Permissions
D. Data Visibility
E. Hours of IP Address
Correct Answer: ABCE

If using Customizable forecasting there is a seperate forecast role hierarchy
A. True
B. False
ADM-201 exam Correct Answer: A

It is advisable not to overwrite user records with new user data because it would prevent you from tracking a history of past users and the records associated to them?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A

If Phil is promoted from a Sales Associate to Senior Sales Exec, and the new sales associate is appointed to take Phil\’s
responsibilities. What are the appropriate steps to transfer Phil\’s account to the new associate?
A. Overwrite Phil\’s User Profile with the new associates information and create a new profile for Phil.
B. Create a new profile for Phil as well as new associate. Deactivate Phil\’s profile with Sales Associate role and transfer
all the accounts, opportunities and leads to the new associate.
C. Associate the new role to Phil\’s existing profile and Transfer all the accounts, opportunities and leads to the new associate.
D. None of the above
ADM-201  dumps Correct Answer: B

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